Dealer Support

Shipment Support

For questions regarding your shipment please use our Shipment Support Contact Form below or call 1-800-544-1600 for more information!

Order Support

For questions regarding your order status, product returns and all general order inquiries, please use the Sales and Marketing Contact Form below or call 1-800-544-1600.

Event Support

If you would like to inquire about having a Quaker Boy team member at your event please use the Sales and Marketing Contact Form below or call 1-800-544-1600.

Please include your Business Name, Business Address, Event Name and information regarding the event.

How to become a Dealer of Quaker Boy products

If you would like to receive information on how to become a new dealer, please use the Sales and Marketing Contact Form below or call 1-800-544-1600.

Please include your Business Name,  Business Address, and a link to your website.

Sales Representative information

If you would like to be put in contact with your local Quaker Boy Sales Representative please use the Sales and Marketing Contact Form below or call 1-800-544-1600.

Please include your Business Name and Address in your message.

Shipment Support Contact Form:

15 + 10 =

Sales and Marketing Support Contact Form:

15 + 4 =