Pro Staff

Zane Cordrey
Ohio, US
Pursuits: Turkey, Whitetail Deer
Memberships: NRA, NWTF
I’ve been around and involved in hunting since I can remember. I have a great passion for the outdoors and take every opportunity I get to be out in it. I have to thank my grandpa Dick Scheidt teaching me everything I know about the outdoors. I enjoy turkey and deer hunting. Turkey hunting being at the top of the list. I’ve achieved my grand slam and plan on getting several more.
Chad Hodge
Florida, US
Pursuits: Turkey, Duck
Memberships: Ruffed Grouse Society, NWTF
Originally hailing from Bushkill, Pennsylvania, Chad now resides in Central Florida. With a blend of youth and experience, he brings a vast understanding of the old school ways, combined with in-depth knowledge of the cutting edge, modern era. Hunting since the early 1990’s, he has experience hunting in many states for an assortment of game. His favorite animals to hunt are the wild turkey, waterfowl, upland and deer. His passion for the outdoors is truly great, as when he is not hunting he is tuning bows, arrows, shotguns, or rifles, getting ready for the next adventure. Chad is an expert at setting up high performance shotguns for hunting and spends countless hours on the range patterning those shotguns to find the optimum choke and load combinations to help the shooter be as successful as possible. He only represents companies that make the best product, stand behind it, and have exceptional customer service , which is exactly why he is proud to be a part of the Quaker Boy family. Chad is an accomplished 3D tournament archer, as well as NWTF calling contest Champion. Chad is a popular guest at outdoor events and shows, where he greatly enjoys sharing the passion for the outdoors with seminars, and spending time with people from those just starting out, to veterans looking for advanced tactics and techniques. Having a wife and daughter that hunt has helped him understand how to address the unique needs of women and children to help them be successful. Chad invites you to look us up on social media via Quaker Boy ‘s Facebook and Instagram pages.

Bill Epeards
Ohio, US
Pursuits: Turkey, Whitetail Deer, Elk, Mule Deer
Memberships: Marketing Director for IBO, NWTF
Bill’s adventures have taken him all over the world. He has harvested moose, elk, caribou, mule deer, whitetail deer, javelina, wild boar, turkey, antelope, mountain lion, bear and alligator using a bow with many making the Pope & Young and Boone & Crocket record books. International hunting trips to Africa taking the “Big 5” with a bow and sable, kudu, gemsbok and numerous other African animals. New Zealand have produced, gold medal red stags, sika deer, chamois and tahr plus many other numerous species. Turkey hunting is a passion of Bill’s. Well known for his superior calling abilities and hunting tactics, his records of success include 18 NWTF grand slams, including two with a bow and two world turkey slams. An avid bird hunter, Bill has traveled to Canada, Mexico and Argentina in search of waterfowl and upland hunting adventures. Bill is also a tournament archer. He has won six IBO National Team Championships, four IBO Individual State Championships and Individual World Champion.
Bill is on a number of the elite Pro Staff of some of the leaders in the hunting industry, which includes PSE Archery and Quaker Boy Game calls for over 40 years, and Mossy Oak for over 20 years.
Joe Judd
Massachusetts, US
Pursuits: Turkey, Whitetail Deer, Brush Wolf
Memberships: NWTF, Whitetails Unlimited
Joe Judd, who hails from Massachusetts, first stepped into the offices of Quaker Boy Game Calls back in 1988 and has now been a dedicated Pro-Staff member with the company for almost thirty-five-years. Joe, approaching the 50-year barrier in his hunting career, has pursued everything from Maine Moose to Alabama Mallards but is best known as an “over the edge” wild turkey hunter in New England and beyond, now having hunted wild turkeys in 23 different states since he first started turkey hunting in 1979. Joe is also an avid bowhunter for whitetail deer and enjoys chasing New England Brush Wolf in the late winter months. An outdoor writer, and seminar speaker throughout the Northeast, his outdoors column, On the Ridge, appears in multiple publications and has been read throughout New England for over 3 decades. And his first book, “On the Ridge: Stories of a New England Hunter’, is now in its third publication. A much sought-after seminar speaker, Joe enjoys sharing his knowledge and skills with others. In January of 2019 Joe was inducted into the New England Turkey Hunting Hall of Fame. He is currently a regional Pro with Bass Pro Shops/Cabela’s, is a 2-time past Massachusetts NWTF State Chapter President and was awarded the NWTF Roger Latham Award in 2013.

Jake Markris
Alabama, US
Pursuits: Turkey, Whitetail Deer
Memberships: NWTF
Joined the Prostaff in 1998. I currently reside in Fairhope, Alabama with my wife Shai Taylor Markris of 25 years. Have three boys Jacob(18), Lawson(16), & Alex(14). I have been employed with the AHBSIF for 27 years and currently hold the position of Senior Auditor. I also perform marketing for this firm. When not spending time with the family I enjoy turkey hunting, archery for whitetails and saltwater fishing. Specifically love bow hunting Kansas, Missouri and any other Midwest states. Enjoy pursuing turkey grand slams each season. I was the president of the Mobile, Al chapter of NWTF for 11 years.
Lynn Worwood
Utah, US
Pursuits: Turkey, Deer, Elk, Coyote
Memberships: NWTF, RMEF, NRA Life Member, Utah Trappers Association, Utah Houndsman Association

Jim Burns
Virginia, US
Pursuits: Turkey, Whitetail Deer
Memberships: NWTF, NRA Life Member
Originally from Bradford, Pa., the home of Quaker Boy box calls, Jim now calls Bedford County, Virginia home. He joined the Quaker Boy team in 2007 and with fifty plus years of hunting experience Jim is one of Quaker Boy’s seasoned veterans. He is a turkey and deer addict and has chased these species in New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Nebraska and Kansas. During his visits back home to Bradford he has toured the Quaker Boy facility many times, seeing firsthand how the best box calls are made. Along with being with Quaker Boy and having 2 grand slams to his credit Jim is on the pro staff of Mossy Oak and Struttin Obsessions. He enjoys doing hunting seminars, hunting tips & technique videos and participating at special hunting events held by hunting/outdoor stores and organizations. He is also a big supporter of Virginia’s Hunters for the Hungry organization. Jim has been married for 40 plus years to his lovely wife Betsy and the couple have three children and two grand kids. Check out YouTube channel “Struttin Obsessions” for a few of Jim’s and other Struttin Obsession team member’s videos.
Tim White
Oregon, US
Pursuits: Turkey, Deer, Elk, Moose, Duck, Goose
Memberships: RMEF, NWTF, DU, Wildlife Forever and NAH
Avid archery & firearm hunter since 1966 hunting traditional archery to current compound bow hunting, and rifle and shotgun. Charter Member of the Ducks Unlimited Snow Goose Chapter Kenai Alaska. Outfitted for Alaskan Moose in mid-eighties with horses, canoes and plain packing in on foot. Became an Oregon Master Hunter in 1996 and a volunteer member of the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF). A decade later becoming the NWTF Regional Director in Washington and Oregon. Member of RMEF, NWTF, DU, Wildlife Forever and NAHC.
I aggressively seek Elk by means of Mountain Biking into the wilderness on limited access roads to motorized vehicles in Oregon’s early Archery season. Very obsessed with spring and fall turkey hunting, duck and goose hunting and finally late season archery blacktail deer hunting. I have made my own wing bone turkey calls for the silent auctions at the NWTF Super Fund Banquets using one occasionally to call a Gobbler to the arrow.
During non-hunting seasons I get into archery 3D competitions and fishing for Halibut, Sturgeon, Salmon, Steelhead and Trout. I also enjoy doing Quaker Boy Game Calls seminars to reach out to other hunters on techniques and other important details to be a successful hunter.
I live with my wife Peggy of many years on our five plus acre mini farm in the country. We have horses, sheep, dogs, and chickens. Occasionally we might have a llama and a cat. Getting our pontoon boat that we use in the large reservoir two miles from our house on the hot summer days and for watching the Fourth of July fireworks they have at the local Yacht Club.

Terry Wunderle
Illinois, US
Pursuits: Turkey, Whitetail Deer, Duck
Memberships: NWTF
Terry Wunderle is a professional archery coach and outdoor writer who has been with Quaker Boy for over 20 years. The students he has coached have won over 350 national and world championships. Many of his winning coaching techniques are included in his book, Archery: Think and Shoot Like a Champion found on his website,
Since a very young boy, Terry has actively pursued his passion for hunting and fishing. Over the years he has harvested more than 70 trophy whitetails that have scored between 120 to 185 points. Terry is also an avid turkey and duck hunter. At the age of 16, he won the junior and senior divisions of the Midwest Duck Calling Championship. Being a national and world champion archer, most of his hunting is done with a bow. Terry credits Quaker Boy calls for helping him harvest a multitude of wild game.
Terry’s favorite spring turkey calls are Old Boss Hen, World Champ Mouth Call, and the “best box call ever made,” the Grand Old Master. When deer hunting, he always carries the Odorless Wind Check, Brawler Buck Call, and the Bleat-in-Heat. When hunting in the evening and it’s time to leave the blind but the field is full of deer, he finds a great call to have is the Coyote Howler. Without divulging your human presence, a few calls on it can quickly send the deer running.
Larry Skinkle
Ontario, CA
Pursuits: Turkey, Deer, Duck, Goose, Moose
Memberships: Ontario federation of anglers and Hunters, St. Joseph Island Hunters and Anglers
Larry grew up on a farm in southern Ontario. Like any young farm boy at that time he learned to shoot by hunting ground hogs. As a teenager, Larry spent a lot of time with friends and family hunting whitetail deer, waterfowl and rabbits. Upon graduating from the University of Toronto in Forestry in 1973 Larry spent 35 years in various locations in Northern Ontario and Northern Alberta. Hunting continued to be a constant but the quarry changed a little to include moose. Whitetail and waterfowl were still pursued when time permitted. Getting married, raising a family (boy and girl) and making a career in forest management all cut into precious hunting time. With the successful re-introduction of wild turkeys into Ontario Larry took up hunting the big birds about 1996. Wild turkey, moose and whitetail, in that order are the quarry of choice now. Although opportunities to pursue other species are rarely passed up. Now officially retired in Echo Bay, Ontario (Sault Ste. Marie area) Larry has more time to pursue his favorite game species in more locations with many of those special friends and family members.
*Wild Turkey Tip* When hunting wild turkeys we quite often hunt in pairs. When setting up, one partner will be set up in front with decoys and be prepared to shoot, while the other partner will go behind the shooter about 10 to 20 yards and call. We make sure that we are well-concealed but in each other’s line of sight and establish hand signals to communicate if there are birds coming and whether to continue calling. This has proven to be a very effective technique to fool the wary Tom turkey.

Mike Allen
Tenessee, US
Pursuits: Turkey, Predator, duck
Memberships: NWTF, DU
I enjoy guiding and taking folks new to the Turkey world experience. I also coyote and duck hunt. I belong to the NWTF and Ducks unlimited. I joined the Quaker Boy prostaff team in February 2005.
Grant Farmer
South Dakota, US
Pursuits: Whitetail, Mule Deer, Turkey, Duck, Pheasant
Memberships: NWTF, Pheasants Forever
My earliest memories are of hunting camp in Pope County Illinois, seeing everyone with their deer and living vicariously through them. My dad always seemed to get the biggest buck every year. Once I was old enough to go there was no holding me back. Whether it was the annual long weekend before Thanksgiving, or as soon as classes got out I’d be chasing whitetail. It’s an obsession and tradition that was passed down to me, and I will continue to pass down. Once I moved to South Dakota my passion for deer became greater than ever, but I found myself hunting with my college teammates for ducks and pheasants more and more. I eventually got to experience my first mule deer hunt, and went turkey hunting with the same buddies. Now I put time aside for each, even though whitetail is still my #1. When I’m not hunting you can find me on a lake fishing bass tournaments, or in the gym training for the next hunting season.